Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Outsider Spam

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Outsider Spam

Good news about e-mails. If we use our actual name in our e-mail accounts, even if hackers destroy our passwords or we forget and find ourselves on the outside of our own blogsite, the accounts will refer back to the person who opened the e-mail account.

Sometimes, allowing a level of transparency to exist may be worth the risk. Although this type of self-referral is risky, and most people caution computer users about sharing important information with websites and the people they IM online, this maybe a risk that is within reason.

Outsider Spam. I  wonder about Spam, could computer users spam their old e-mail addresses when they get 'locked out' of their accounts? The concept of sending massive messages to a e-mail address when the e-mail owner is unable to open the account seems unheard of! In our actual world, a massive pile-up of mail would alert the mail carriers from the post office. I'm not sure if electronic mail service providers or service programs notice massive spam-mail sent to one's address. Often people request spam blockers tu help get rid of unwanted spam.
Outsider spam is about as hard to control as spam from Kenya, a.k.a KENYA SPAM.

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