Monday, March 18, 2019

...Cause You Might Be Wrong...And I Might Be Hungry.

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...Because You Might Be Wrong, And I Might Be Hungry. 

Essay by Minda Peyton

I use tu / to care that donuts from a popular donut specialty store sold 'coffee donuts' or 'coffee rolls' that did not have coffee as a ingredient...not as a main ingredient, not even as a minor ingredient. The donuts were never made using coffee beans, yet they were publicly advertize'da as 'coffee donuts' because, as the cashier at this donut specialty store explain'da…"donuts are associated with coffee."

This ill-logical way of calling a donut without coffee a 'coffee donut' in essence, meant that any donut can be advertize'da as a 'coffee donut'!
Why is this ill-logical? How is every donut a 'coffee donut'?

To be further mis-leading, I did note that African-American employees did agree, and served me a 'alt'... a cinnamon bun [because I order'da for 'mental clarity,' in my mind, I purchase'd a acceptable 'truce'...]... a cinnamon bun made with real cinnamon, twisted into a roll or a bun shape. As a group, African-Americans did not refer tu / to cinnamon buns as 'coffee rolls' because, through mis-leading association, we believe people are misleading when they can call any donut, or dessert bun, a 'coffee donut' or a 'coffee roll,' as long as coffee drinkers prefer to have their coffee drinks with a cinnamon bun, or a not-plain FRIED DONUT.

This brings me to why I find comfort in sarcasim...there are people who celebrate PLAIN FRIED DONUTS, there is a extremely special specialty store that made a big deal from selling 1 standard PLAIN fried donut. We all can order a dozen donuts with our cups of coffee. They are call'da donuts. The coffee is called coffee. The donuts are plain, fried and call'da DONUTS. They are just as good as other donuts, without the mis-leading associations...the employees make a big deal selling 1 standard donut.

Lately, I've learned that I can not force ill-logical people tu act rationally by changing what they say. They may be wrong, and I may be hungry.

Ask Minda!

Q: What are 'HTML cookies?'
A: Cookies associated with HTML are small files stored on a computer.
Imagine the owner of a personal computer visiting a website. If the website uses cookies, the website will store small files with information, lai-ca the password, onto the owner's personal computer.

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