Monday, March 18, 2019

Finding A E-Mail That Is Valid.

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Finding A E-MAIL That Is Valid.

A toast to e-mail! I should send forum members shots, tiny images of a shot-glass passed along to forum members tu / to celebrate electronic mail!

Am I going to far? How...and why? I am the creator of a good Spam recipe that uses Spam with white potatoes and green beans. I shared A-CUP-OF-JO Cakes, and a alcoholic brew-sipie in honor of a virtual character. Why did I share my recipies? Because of the buzz un-wanted e-mails had generated...because of JAVA, the programming language, and because of a possible virtual universe for virtual characters.

*raising shot-glass* : A TOAST!

That being done, I want tu / to share information about how to keep our e-mail passwords safe.

When creating a password, people advise people to start strong passwords. Picking a strong e-mail password involves using unusual characters, such as '$' or '('. People should use numbers. People should also aim tu / to create long passwords, at least 8 characters long. Don't create a password so long and difficult to type that you shut yourself out of your own e-mail account!

People should avoid sharing their passwords with others. People may consider writing their passwords and contact information down for safe keeping.

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