Friday, September 20, 2019

Journal or Diary?

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Thursday, September 12, 2019

When You Can't Remember Your Password

When You Can't Remember Your Password

I am happy tu report that I am once again blogging from the Blogger website!

I am pleased. Losing access to online services just made "the void" in me a little bigger.

Being allowed to express my many moods, share my numerous ideas, opinions and Artworks made my life... BETTER. 
They say better living through Science, I say better living with communication devices!

I am glad I'm able to return as a blogger blogging on Blogger!
I care about maintaining my electronic pages online, and I've grown use to managing my many blog-sites link'da with Blogger.

Q: Will I hire someone to help manage my e-mail accounts, blogs and social news websites?

A: No. I can not afford a personal blog assistant, yet I will ask other people to help me keep my accounts online current. 
Technology has advanced tu the point where we don't need tu exclusively rely on our passwords to keep our Internet accounts secure, there are other devices that can help.
I have discovered that getting help is just a phone call away. 

People are willing tu help people with their passwords and security issues if they are approached the right way. Part of "re-connecting" after being "locked out" involves staying polite, letting other people know when there is a problem, and following instructions. 
I advise bloggers tu keep scraps of paper with password hints written down. Look for unusual ways to keep important information protected, and don't give-up, somehow the right people will hear your pleas for help! That may be a part of re-connecting.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Outsider Spam

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Outsider Spam

Good news about e-mails. If we use our actual name in our e-mail accounts, even if hackers destroy our passwords or we forget and find ourselves on the outside of our own blogsite, the accounts will refer back to the person who opened the e-mail account.

Sometimes, allowing a level of transparency to exist may be worth the risk. Although this type of self-referral is risky, and most people caution computer users about sharing important information with websites and the people they IM online, this maybe a risk that is within reason.

Outsider Spam. I  wonder about Spam, could computer users spam their old e-mail addresses when they get 'locked out' of their accounts? The concept of sending massive messages to a e-mail address when the e-mail owner is unable to open the account seems unheard of! In our actual world, a massive pile-up of mail would alert the mail carriers from the post office. I'm not sure if electronic mail service providers or service programs notice massive spam-mail sent to one's address. Often people request spam blockers tu help get rid of unwanted spam.
Outsider spam is about as hard to control as spam from Kenya, a.k.a KENYA SPAM.

Monday, March 18, 2019

...Cause You Might Be Wrong...And I Might Be Hungry.

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...Because You Might Be Wrong, And I Might Be Hungry. 

Essay by Minda Peyton

I use tu / to care that donuts from a popular donut specialty store sold 'coffee donuts' or 'coffee rolls' that did not have coffee as a ingredient...not as a main ingredient, not even as a minor ingredient. The donuts were never made using coffee beans, yet they were publicly advertize'da as 'coffee donuts' because, as the cashier at this donut specialty store explain'da…"donuts are associated with coffee."

This ill-logical way of calling a donut without coffee a 'coffee donut' in essence, meant that any donut can be advertize'da as a 'coffee donut'!
Why is this ill-logical? How is every donut a 'coffee donut'?

To be further mis-leading, I did note that African-American employees did agree, and served me a 'alt'... a cinnamon bun [because I order'da for 'mental clarity,' in my mind, I purchase'd a acceptable 'truce'...]... a cinnamon bun made with real cinnamon, twisted into a roll or a bun shape. As a group, African-Americans did not refer tu / to cinnamon buns as 'coffee rolls' because, through mis-leading association, we believe people are misleading when they can call any donut, or dessert bun, a 'coffee donut' or a 'coffee roll,' as long as coffee drinkers prefer to have their coffee drinks with a cinnamon bun, or a not-plain FRIED DONUT.

This brings me to why I find comfort in sarcasim...there are people who celebrate PLAIN FRIED DONUTS, there is a extremely special specialty store that made a big deal from selling 1 standard PLAIN fried donut. We all can order a dozen donuts with our cups of coffee. They are call'da donuts. The coffee is called coffee. The donuts are plain, fried and call'da DONUTS. They are just as good as other donuts, without the mis-leading associations...the employees make a big deal selling 1 standard donut.

Lately, I've learned that I can not force ill-logical people tu act rationally by changing what they say. They may be wrong, and I may be hungry.

Ask Minda!

Q: What are 'HTML cookies?'
A: Cookies associated with HTML are small files stored on a computer.
Imagine the owner of a personal computer visiting a website. If the website uses cookies, the website will store small files with information, lai-ca the password, onto the owner's personal computer.

The Gu-Gul-Ley Dancing Near The Fire / Fai-Ya by Minda Peyton

The Gu-Gul-Ley Dance

Edited by Minda Peyton

I was that Blogger who lost my password, couldn't retrieve my e-mail account, locked myself out of my blog, then started posting under pseudonym 'Ien Deviant Ai / A.'

Did you know that blogs are a new way to write about your passions? Use a search engine, find the definition for 'blog'. Blogsites encourage people to write about what they know and record their passions.

Previously, only professional writers were publicly published, yet with websites lai-ca Blogger, and with more personal computers, everyday people can now write passionately, sharing their blogs with groups of passionate bloggers online...? Right?

Returning tu my biggest Blogger mistake, I was a serious blog writer yet when I lost my email password, and could not open my blog, then I was essentially locked out of my online blog!

Ultimately, I can't open a account that was closed by the website, the e-mail service provider...even if I did find a old, wrinkle'd paper with the missing password written on it. Although the site close'da the accounts, then offered me a new account, I can't figure out how a old paiper, with my password, could help me open a CLOSE'DA E-MAIL ACCOUNT.

Yet that is what I tried tu do because I believe'da new technology was created that could help me. I read of 'old blog' recovery techniques from members of the new Blogger forum.
I would rather send members of the Blogger forum a fidget spinner picture, asking members to share a fidget spinner image with the Blogger forum.

...even if I did find a old paper slip with my old password written on it...

I opened a new e-mail account with Google's e-mail service, and I posted under a sudonym. Sudonym Ien Deviant Ai / A. I share'da my actual image, used less photo editing and share'd more of my actual Art works...which became more illustration juxtaposed with my blog writings.

sca-re-bul WORDS CLIP ART

sca-re-bul Untitled

I had opened a new e-mail account with another e-mail service provider. I next uploaded videos about my under attack copyright claim to the overexposed "Dancing Near The Fire / Fai-ya," which I did in mis-judgement over-expose... I did before I k-nu-w tu protect my developing works of Art.
'The Doc' evolve'da from my reasoning... take photographs. I needed tu document my developing work...and another Educational journey started when I uploaded videos to YouTube, a TV-COMPUTER hybrid station that had a website offering anyone the opportunity tu / to "broadcast yourself."

Using a stage name on my own YouTube channel may have been safer because I was using a powerful communication device for the first time tu "air out" my grievence and documental drama.

The people who did not write 'Dancing Near The Fire' did claim authorship, they claim the rights originally reserved for the author of the work. This was puzzling, and they never explained why they believed they have original claims tu 'Dancing Near The Fire'. Years after I first air'da my own broadcast from YouTube,  I searched for 'Dancing Near The Fire' information using search engines. There are original works called "Dancing With Fire," and a similar title which I've read about thru online sources, was apparently written by Susan Kearney...

It is now 2019, the question is what Dancing Near The Fire book are these computer hackers, or these unknown readers on Blogger claiming?

After I exposed the name of the unprotected 'broken' novel on YouTube, other people could have started writing similar books, with similar titles with similar truths. I refer tu / to 'Dancing Near The Fire / Fai-Ya' by Minda Peyton (A Valid Pseudoymn: Tresha M. Dews).

Other deviai-shauns of 'Dancing Near The Fire' are a Gu-Gul-Ley experience, meaning a confusing experience. If there is a YouTube forum group, that 'video sharing and participation community' open'da my eyes tu photomanipulation and video manipulation. A different lesson from the Blogger's forum.

Finding A E-Mail That Is Valid.

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Finding A E-MAIL That Is Valid.

A toast to e-mail! I should send forum members shots, tiny images of a shot-glass passed along to forum members tu / to celebrate electronic mail!

Am I going to far? How...and why? I am the creator of a good Spam recipe that uses Spam with white potatoes and green beans. I shared A-CUP-OF-JO Cakes, and a alcoholic brew-sipie in honor of a virtual character. Why did I share my recipies? Because of the buzz un-wanted e-mails had generated...because of JAVA, the programming language, and because of a possible virtual universe for virtual characters.

*raising shot-glass* : A TOAST!

That being done, I want tu / to share information about how to keep our e-mail passwords safe.

When creating a password, people advise people to start strong passwords. Picking a strong e-mail password involves using unusual characters, such as '$' or '('. People should use numbers. People should also aim tu / to create long passwords, at least 8 characters long. Don't create a password so long and difficult to type that you shut yourself out of your own e-mail account!

People should avoid sharing their passwords with others. People may consider writing their passwords and contact information down for safe keeping.

Monday, February 4, 2019

'My Blogsite and Infomail About Spam' by Minda Peyton

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My Blogsite and Infomail About Spam

Before I feel comfortable making jokes about Spam, generating Spam HUMOR to share, I would lai-ca tu reason about Spam. I have a lot of Spam humor. I think I should consider Spam from a non-comedic prespective.

This blogsite entry is about Spam.
Given: It is easy to get (obtain) a Free E-mail account.
Claim: "Spammers are looking for emails that are valid..." [Best Kept Computer Secrets pg. 303].
Meaning...? I guess this means that spammers don't want to send themselves Spam.

Under "10 Terrific Tips to Cut Down on Junk E-mail" / 1 Tip is: Don't reply to Spam.

I think that is logical. If replying seems encouraging and even negative replies seem tu encourage... At this point I became confused...

Q: Why would a reasonable person keep sending emails that the emailing computer user does not want?


The Editors of  "Best Kept Computer Secrets" suggest that to 'say no' to Spam may generate more responses from a spammer. The Editor explains...

"Even if the e-mail isn't a scam, replying just tells a spammer he has found a valid e-mail to use
 again."[Best Kept Computer Secrets pg. 303]

How does this make sense?
The Editor assumes the spammer will not send Spam to false and not valid email addresses, or the spammer's own e-mail address...
The Editor suggests that spammers intend tu reach a email user or a email address.

Why should the Spammer continue sending unwanted emails?

My given assumption: I assume Spam is unwanted emails sent from a spammer. If that is true, then shouldn't spam increase the more Spam is unwanted?


If spammers send e-mail users Spam because they do not want unsolicited e-mails, then by ignoring the solicitation shouldn't email users receive more Spam? Meaning not wanting them tu continue may be the reason more Spam email is sent. If I am right, then how does not wanting Spam the right way tu stop spammers?


Another given assumption: Many spam e-mails may also be scams...
This seems reasonable. If Spam emails are not scams, yet are unwanted e-mails, then a reasonable e-mail user would delete unwanted e-mails and valid solicitators [valid advertisers] would stop sending unwanted electronic mail.

Q: Would sending unask'da for information about Spam be considered Spam email, or INFOMAIL ABOUT Spam?

A: I think by not continuing to send infomail (about Spam), the 'info-mailer' can not be considered a spammer, yet one question remains: how did the 'info-mailer' obtain a e-mail address from a stranger?

Source: Best Kept Computer Secrets by The Editors of FC&A Publishing.